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Licancel Mill Update

Published on  2023-09-06

September 5, 2023 - As a result of a severe storm affecting the central-southern area of Chile, the Licancel pulp mill was shut down on August 21st, 2023. The storm caused overflowing from the Mataquito River impacting the mill located in the Licantén, Maule Region.


ARAUCO is currently reviewing the consequences and impacts of this force majeure event, quantifying the damages caused, and evaluating the future steps to be taken in relation to the mill itself.


Arauco acquired the Licancel mill in September 1999. The mill has an installed annual production capacity of approximately 160,000 tons of raw pine pulp, which corresponds to 3% of Arauco's total annual pulp production capacity and 4.6% of total pulp sales by 2022.

