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Trupan Ultralight MDF

Renowned as a panel solution that is extremely light weight, yet able to maintain a consistent density and excellent physical/mechanical properties, Trupan Ultralight is ARAUCO’s lightest weight MDF board. It offers a smooth, sanded surface, homogenous surface and uniform color, making it ideal for moulding, millwork and furniture making.

Vue d'ensemble

Trupan Ultralight MDF is ideal for furniture, moulding, picture frames, doors, display fixtures and CNC spoilboards.

  • Exceptionally lightweight
  • Available in thicknesses up to 50mm
  • Light, uniform color
  • Consistent density profile
  • Extra-smooth sanding
  • Lower tool wear
  • Excellent substrate for low pressure lamination processes
  • Optimum for managing logistics, freight and weight of finished goods
  • Produced in Chile from 100% fresh pine fiber from the company's own, sustainably managed forests
