ARAUCO operates advanced manufacturing platforms on two continents. We operate multiple composite panel platforms in the United States and Canada, and we import plywood, pulp, moulding, lumber and other products from our operations and manufacturing in South America.
We deliver through prioritized shipping lanes at 22 major seaports and navigate North America's commercial waterways providing transportation services through the inland ramp.
ARAUCO does not operate its own overland transportation fleet, but we manage trucking, rail and intermodal suppliers to reach a distribution network with more than 3,500 ship-to locations. We also facilitate raw materials transportation through regional and national haulers, maintaining secure chain of custody for wood and wood fiber.
Port-to-Port Cargo
ARAUCO transports thousands of containers annually, working diligently with ports of authority in the United States and Canada, the Chilean Maritime Authority, the Panama Canal, Marinha do Brasil, and others.
As part of its supply chain services, ARAUCO establishes secure warehousing, strategically locating inventory near port terminals and mills to help manage lead times and optimize fulfillment services to customers.
Trucking and Rail
ARAUCO manages land transportation services through a network of logistics providers and common carriers, local haulers, or direct rail access to customer ship-to locations and project sites.