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Fibrex HDF Markerboard
FIBREX Markerboard is an ideal whiteboard for many classroom, business and commercial purposes, providing a high-quality writing surface for conventional dry-erase markers. The surface cleans easily with conventional dry erasers or with any soft, lint-free wipe. This versatile panel offers a specially formulated, low-gloss, white paint finish on a durable, machinable Fibrex HDF substrate.

Vue d'ensemble

Fibrex HDF Markerboard is an ideal writing surface for classrooms, training centers, message boards, menu boards, store displays, gaming, lap boards and more.

  • Writes with conventional dry erase marker
  • Wipes clean easily
  • Lightweight, easy to attach or hang
  • Excellent machinability - route to desired shape
  • Standard thickness: 3mm and 5.5mm
  • Standard lengths, in inches: 48x96 / 49x97 / 61x97 / 61x109
  • Produced in St. Stephen, NB
  • 100% recycled and/or recovered wood fiber
  • Low-emitting VESTA ULEF options available
  • Approved or non-structural, interior use